This is called "tale of two table runners". At least, they started out that way. Those blocks hung on my design wall for a year. Since my goal last year and this year is FINISH IT I decided these blocks maybe would make a small donation quilt. It's now put together, quilted, and bound!! Hooray!! Not a big quilt, but 2 yds for the top and2 yards for the backing. More or less!! Some stashbusting! I have been on a roll pulling out projects and finishing them. 2 1/2 bindings left! Then
that pile will be finished. Whee! I have a new project I want to start, but the rule is to finish
TWO UFO's first! It's been hard but the UFO's are getting done. And stashbusting is going fairly well. I did buy some fabric the other day for a block swap. It's true, no matter how hard I dug here were no
PASTELS. The whole quilt is made using lights, pastels, and mediums. Think this stash is home of the "darks". But one of the other resolutions I've made is to "get out of my box". So working with lights, pastels, and mediums will be good for me!!