Saturday, May 31, 2014
I'm Back!
Not a clue what happened, but I'll guess it was a rock thrown from a mower. But, no one saw it happen, or reported that it had happened. To be fair, your attention is watching where you are driving, and they wear big ear protectors for the noise of the mowers and may not have even realized it had happened. sigh Next, my microwave died. Chip, who lives next door, says it can be fixed very cheaply, but I needed my microwave NOW so off to town to pick one up. We'll fix the other one later. Through this all I haven't felt well. Summer cold/allergies I thought. Over Memorial Day weekend ended up in ER, bacterial bronchitis. Followup Dr. visit yesterday confirmed still have infection, will start 2nd antibiotic. So I've had the strength of a cooked noodle.
But my bird feedes are up, I have orioles who are PIGS they eat so much grape jelly! Hummingbirds, finches, warblers, chickadees and more. The robins like when I water my grass--they are busy looking for worms. And the bird bath, well, they almost have to take numbers they are so busy bathing and drinking!
Although I haven't done much piecing, I have been hand sewing binding. I finished my 30's quilt--
Bad picture, bright sun washed the photo out but its all I have. These are some blocks from my 2013 Rainbow Scrap challenge using my box of 30's fabric and a vintage pattern from a magazine. I dyed a wide flannel backing, a pretty sky blue, the color of the sky here. Tomorrow I can count the yards used in my stash report! WOOHOO!
I also worked on my green challenge blocks. They aren't done but the color this month is green and I LOVE green. Please see everyone's posts at soscrappy.
We have a graduate in the family--
Mason graduated preschool and starts kindergarten this fall. He CAN'T be that old yet!!
And Gina--this post is for you!!
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Sunday Stash Report
In between farming, spring time errands and rain I finished a Brown Diamond quilt from an old Fons and Porter book. 81x105", I estimate it used 14 yards of stash.
New numbers for this week are::
Stash in this week--00
Stash in YTD--52 yards
Stash out this week--14 yards
Stash out YTD--100 YARDS
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Sunday Stash Report
A few finishes this week. First I finished a Bricks and Stepping Stones quilt, 86x108". Free pattern at Quiltville.com. I estimate I used 14yds of fabric.
Next I finished Sunny Lanes from the book Nickel Quilts. Its a big quilt 115x115". About 20 yds of fabric.
So my new numbers are--
Stash in this week--0
Stash in YTD--52 yards
Stash out this week--34 yards
Stash out YTD--86 yards
I'm ahead 34 yards!!
If this post looks strange, I'm doing from my tablet and its all new! Please see everyone's stash reports at Patchwork Times.
Happy Mother's Day!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Sunday Stash Report
Stash in this week--14 yards
Stash out this week--4 yards
Stash in YTD--52 yards
Stash out YTD--52yards
This week I broke even!
Wow, never thought the numbers would come out even. I have 8 tops waiting for binding, and no plans to purchase any fabric. At least, right now! Please see everyone's stash report at Patchwork Times.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Rainbow Scrappy Saturday
Ladies, do you see your fabric in there? With their help I was able to make 4 blocks--
I'm making Album blocks or Great Granny Square blocks. I'm not trimming them, I'll do that when I have them all made. Right now I plan on setting them with neutral sashing and "floating" the blocks unless I see another setting I like better. May's color is green. I have a lot of green, its my FAVORITE color. Please see everyone's projects at soscrappy.
Playing Catchup
Its been busy! Thanksgiving has come and gone, soon it will be Christmas. We got our vaccinations a couple weeks ago--Covid, RSV, Influena...