Two R/W/B album blocks--
No goals for this week, I'm pretty busy and there won't be time to sew. See everyone's design wall posts at Patchwork Times. I did have time to shop this last week. I bought new shoes--
They are Cape Town by Rock Springs and the color is Tutti Fruitti! Perfect for a scrap quilter. All elastic so they fit my narrow foot well. And, you can get them wet with no problems. They are very comfortable.
I'll be attending my 40th class reunion this week. We're a laid back group, its being held at the local mechanics shop. (Its a nice big air conditioned building) He was in my class. Thanks Dave!

Monday, June 29, 2015
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Sunday Stash Report
This week I bought a charm pack. That's it. About 3/4 yard. My new numbers are--
Stash in this week--.75 yards
Stash in YTD--176.25 yards
Stash out this week--0 yards
Stash out YTD--162.5 yards
Stash in YTD--176.25 yards
Stash out this week--0 yards
Stash out YTD--162.5 yards
Stash is ahead 13.75 yards!
Please see everyone's stash report at Patchwork Times.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Rainbow Scrappy Saturday
More album blocks using teal blues--
I will have to stop making album and monkey wrench blocks until I go home and see how many I have. I might have gone a little crazy making green blocks. Maybe next month will be a color I have a lot of--I'm hoping for orange! Liz sent me at least 15 different orange fabrics and I love orange!
A few Monkey Wrench blocks using teal blue. Please see everyone's blue projects at SoScrappy.
I will have to stop making album and monkey wrench blocks until I go home and see how many I have. I might have gone a little crazy making green blocks. Maybe next month will be a color I have a lot of--I'm hoping for orange! Liz sent me at least 15 different orange fabrics and I love orange!
A few Monkey Wrench blocks using teal blue. Please see everyone's blue projects at SoScrappy.
Motivation Friday
Time off from volunteering this week resulted in some sewing--
Two more blocks for Kim Diehl's All in a Row quilt. I'm working with what stash I packed. Another whimsical block--
Odd bits of fabric, some bugs and some teal blues. It may look strange now but it will blend in with other blocks in a quilt.
Two more blocks for Kim Diehl's All in a Row quilt. I'm working with what stash I packed. Another whimsical block--
Odd bits of fabric, some bugs and some teal blues. It may look strange now but it will blend in with other blocks in a quilt.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Design Wall Monday and Weekly Goals
Another R/W/B album block--
There are stars and flags in there. The red stars bled while I was pressing the fabric, but I rinsed it several times and it quit, probably just excess dye. The handsome gentleman holding the block is Dave Becker--Operations Project Manager at Gavins Point Project. Dave is one of the people who make volunteering fun.
Volunteers are a valuable resource for many places. I've been volunteering at Gavins Point for 10 years. There is a national website with opportunities all over the United States. Many local opportunities exist, just ask.
Weekly Goals--
Album Blocks
Monkey Wrench blocks
Missouri Star Disappearing Pinwheel blocks
Liz's Squared
The week looks pretty busy but I hope to squeeze in some sewing time. Since I have limited room I stick mainly to piecing in the camper. Although clutter doesn't bother me, I am OCD! After making the album blocks I had to organize my box of 2.5" squares. Yes, its the size of a large shoebox. Enough squares to make at least 1-2 quilts. Please see everyone's design wall posts at Patchwork Times.
Let me lose misplace something and I go crazy! Yesterday I lost misplaced the scooter keys. There is only ONE key for the ignition. (I am having a hard time finding a key place that has that blank). I searched for 2 hours. My garbage went to the dumpster two days ago. Yes, I went and dug it out of the dumpster and searched it. Don't ask! But no keys were in the trash. I had given up the search and planned to spend $$$ getting a new ignition/key made. As I wandered my campsite lamenting the loss of the keys I spied them on the picnic table under some flower pots. YIPPEE!! The Corps gives away keychains (floating ones for boaters) that I am putting the scooter keys on. Hopefully they will be easier to keep track of.
Have a great week!!
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Sunday Stash Report
New numbers this week--
Stash in this week--4.5 yards
Stash in YTD--175.5 yards
Stash out this week--0 yards
Stash out YTD--162.5 yards
Stash in YTD--175.5 yards
Stash out this week--0 yards
Stash out YTD--162.5 yards
Stash is ahead 13 yards!
Heading the wrong way but I needed this fabric! Remember the pink blocks that aren't quite all the same size?
I was able to match the pink. Better yet, I used a JoAnn's coupon at Hancock fabrics for 60% off, that brought the print down to $2.80@yd. Its called Wendover fabric, I've used it before and really like it. The plan is to sash all the blocks with more pink so no one notices they aren't all the same size!! Maybe cornerstones with a strip of white for sashing too. Do you have any ideas? So far I've thought of 3" 9 patches in white and pink for cornerstones. Please see everyone's stash reports at Patchwork Times.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Rainbow Scrappy Saturday
The Rainbow Scrappy Challenge this month is light blue to blue greens.
I paired bumblebee fabric with a light bluegreen dot. The bumblebees were a gift from Lorri2Rs--I love adding some whimsy to my quilts. MacKenzie and Dani held my blocks for photos--they are summer rangers with the Corps of Engineers. The Corps hires great summer rangers! Please see everyone's blocks at SoScrappy.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Motivation Friday
This week I finished a few R/W/B blocks--
This couple is from Omaha and had been to the Bloomfield Nebraska 125th celebration. They attended the ceremony for the AVTT and commented how nice it was. They knew about QOV and held my blocks for pictures. I forgot to ask if they were veterans. Thank you!!
I've been sewing in the camper and watching the birds at the feeders. Very relaxing! How have you spent your week?
Monday, June 15, 2015
Design Wall Monday and Weekly Goals
Yesterday I worked on these--
9 Patches made from my 2.5" box. These will become centers of Monkey Wrench blocks.
Oops! I had to unsew and fix, can't make a 9 patch with them!
Last week I received a package in the mail. Ken delivered it to the camper yesterday. It was from Liz--
Darks for my Star Struck project! Liz asked what else I might like and I said--
Oranges! I love oranges! Yes, Liz knows exactly what I like! I can hardly wait to use them! Thank you Liz!! Please see what everyone is working on at Patchwork Times.
Weekly Goals--
Monkey Wrench blocks
Album blocks
Missouri Star Disappearing Pinwheel blocks
Liz's Squared
Variety to choose from this week. 3 days of volunteering and tending my garden need to be in there too.
9 Patches made from my 2.5" box. These will become centers of Monkey Wrench blocks.
Oops! I had to unsew and fix, can't make a 9 patch with them!
Last week I received a package in the mail. Ken delivered it to the camper yesterday. It was from Liz--
Darks for my Star Struck project! Liz asked what else I might like and I said--
Oranges! I love oranges! Yes, Liz knows exactly what I like! I can hardly wait to use them! Thank you Liz!! Please see what everyone is working on at Patchwork Times.
Weekly Goals--
Monkey Wrench blocks
Album blocks
Missouri Star Disappearing Pinwheel blocks
Liz's Squared
Variety to choose from this week. 3 days of volunteering and tending my garden need to be in there too.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Sunday Stash Report
New numbers this week--
Stash in this week--31 yards
Stash in YTD--171 yards
Stash out this week--0 yards
Stash out YTD--162.5 yards
Stash in YTD--171 yards
Stash out this week--0 yards
Stash out YTD--162.5 yards
Stash is ahead 8.5 yards!
This week I added 31 yards of background fabric. A 25 yd bolt of 200 thread count muslin from JoAnn's. Its VERY nice, feels just like the 200 thread count Kaufman muslin I have. At $2.70@yd it was a good buy. I can make 2-3 large quilts with it, sometimes a consistent background will pull a scrappy quilt together. It was only available as a whole bolt purchase/internet only--free shipping. Also purchased were 6 yards of assorted neutral backgrounds to add to my stash. I love assorted neutral backgrounds in quilts. Please see everyone's stash report at Patchwork Times.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Rainbow Scrappy Saturday
More light blue to green blocks--
Oh, you noticed the last block doesn't have any light blue to green fabric? The black/light pieces were leftovers from another project so I made an album block with them. The first two blocks contains more stripe/dot sample fabrics and a 5" batik charm I chopped. Please see everyone's Rainbow Scrappy projects at SoScrappy.
I spent a few days with Laura Beth and the boys.
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Mason and I had lunch out complete with Chunky Monkey Pancakes and 2 cups of Hot Chocolate |
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Bribing Asher with a Hostess cupcake at Mason's ball game |
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Maxwell surprised by the flash on my camera phone |
All of us went out for supper Friday night. Six requires someone sitting in the 3rd row. Three child car seats are in the 2nd row, so it was easier for someone to sit in the 3rd row via the back door. I volunteered!
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Back door open |
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I'm crawling in |
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Made it! |
It looks much more awkward than it was!
Have a great week everyone!
Monday, June 8, 2015
Design Wall Monday and Weekly Goals
This week I worked on the rest of the pink Disappearing Pinwheel blocks--
The lighting isn't the best inside but outside it was drizzling. These blocks used some of my 30's stash. 20 blocks--I think they need sashing but I'm not sure if I have any more of the pink. Please see everyone's design wall posts at Patchwork Times.
Weekly Goals--
R/W/B Album block
Monkey Wrench and 9 Patch blocks
Album Blocks
Small goals for this week. I am volunteering and a short stint of grandma duty (Yippee) and a workshop sponsored by my guild with Vi Colombe. She is known for her star quilts, but I have no idea what the workshop will be. (I was unable to attend the meetings where it was discussed).
Packing the camper was done in a rush this year. I forgot mixing bowls (I used a saucepan), shorts, and LOTS of other things. Lucky for me I am so close to home and can get them another trip.
I did pack some fabric. An assortment of FQs that have lived way too long on a shelf in a basket.
An widely assorted group! The left side has primitive red/blue/tans to go in my R/W/B album and Monkey wrench blocks. Lots of browns along the bottom, several purples, some blues and greens. From them I pulled these FQs to play with--
Red with the stars, blue with the red leaves, bees with aqua dots, tiny flowers with green vines. I'm planning the outside of Monkey Wrench blocks and album blocks using these.
Red with the stars, blue with the red leaves, bees with aqua dots, tiny flowers with green vines. I'm planning the outside of Monkey Wrench blocks and album blocks using these.
Have a great week!!
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Rainbow Scrappy Saturday--Blues
This is a blue block I made this week-
More stripes and dots from my fabric sample basket. The dark blue was a 5" batik charm and the orange was part of a jelly roll strip.
And a r/w/b album block--
The only red were the dots in the center! Please see what everyone made at SoScrappy!
I'm at my volunteer job now. The camper is pretty well unpacked. Next I'll tackle my flower bed and garden. The Corps of Engineers (that's who I volunteer for) is allowing the volunteers to have a garden. That is one thing I miss in the summer. Tomatoes, peppers, a few cucumbers and pumpkins. Its been tilled and the plants are bought, I will plant everything this week.
The last few days have been beautiful. 70's and alternating sun/clouds. Not windy and the mosquitoes aren't out yet. I thought I would sew if it rained but no daytime rain!
Monday, June 1, 2015
Design Wall Monday and Weekly Goals
The Mojo brothers are working overtime. They have been paging through a recent used book purchase and love it.
First choice was "All in a Row" by Kim Diehl.
A box of 2.5" squares will become centers for these blocks. I resized the pattern to use 2.5" and that means the blocks will finish at 14". A nice size.
I'm not sure where I'm going with these blocks. The top three can be r/w/b and the bottom three scrappy. I love Monkey Wrench and 9 patches so they are easy to love! Maybe they will become like the Album blocks, just fun and relaxing to make. Some quilters agonize when trying to make a scrap quilt. How do you pick the fabrics? Will they play nicely together? They are unable to do "random". This color does not go with that color! I do not have that problem. How did I pick the fabrics I used in these blocks? They either were laying on the cutting table or close to my sewing machine. The 9 patches were pulled from my 2.5" squares box. I periodically put fabrics back on my shelves otherwise lazy me would use the same fabrics over and over! Please see everyone's design wall posts at Patchwork Times.
Weekly Goals--
Liz's Squared
Star Struck
Play with precut 2.5" squares
This week McCalls Quilting magazine arrived and I was immediately drawn to this quilt. Sunny Squares by Kate Colleran. When I play with my 2.5" squares I can make the 16 patches needed for this quilt. A Win-Win! Mojos love it too.
Mojos are getting plenty of exercise. That is four new starts for the summer! Volunteering starts this week so there will be minimal sewing time, at least for a few days. Flowers to plant and camper to organize. If it rains I can sew and read. Life is good!!
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Playing Catchup
Its been busy! Thanksgiving has come and gone, soon it will be Christmas. We got our vaccinations a couple weeks ago--Covid, RSV, Influena...