These strips are sewn together and on the design wall--

Based on "Meet in the Middle" at Jo's Country Junction. Instead of light neutrals I used a dark blue. The strips are blues, greens, and purples. Another boy quilt-it will finish about 75x90". Please see everyone's design wall posts at Patchwork Times.
Weekly Goals--
Bonnie Hunter Mystery 4 patches
Billie Lauder Faux Log Cabin
Borders on some flimsies
Clean the Long Arm table
Its time to put up the Christmas tree and ready some tops for quilting. A list of quilt sizes needs to be done. Christmas lists, shopping lists, and quilt lists are all being made!
I use an App called "Notebooks Pro" for my lists. Do you make lists? Do you use an App?
I really like that one!
I make lists on paper -- specifically, in a spiral bound notebook. I am steadily working my way through a stack of notebooks acquired at ALA conferences at at estate sales.
I like your quilt-in-progress. I got one of Jo & Kelli's books at the C&T warehouse sale and marked several patterns I'd like to make. (So many ideas. So little time.)
Fun to come see what you are doing. That reminds me of the stacks we did on Lotto.
I have a list on the computer of my new starts and UFOs. I really like putting the dates in red when the quilt is completed.
Great looking progress and I hope that you feel better soon!
Looking very cheerful and energetic, great for a boy quilt. I make lots of lists in too many places---thinking about getting a quilt planner.
I am definitely a list maker, although I don't make as many now as I did when I was working full time. You have some good goals for the week.
Putting up the Christmas tree and working on my mystery quilt 4-patches - also on my goal list for the week. And I need to get my Saturday Sampler and Farm Girl Vintage blocks made for next week.
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