Monday, December 19, 2016

Design Wall Monday and En Provence

Sunday was "fun" sewing so I made these blocks--

 Ritzy Cracker blocks from Moda Bake Shop.  These blocks were made using "chunks" on the cutting table.  This is the top of my cutting table--

Its nine foot long, see the cleared cutting area on the right??  There is a pile of chunks on left side, they're smaller than FQ but not a scrap.  I AM NOT putting them back.  I will continue to sew them up in different projects.   

En Provence Clue 4 was pretty easy.  80 train wreck units.

All done with only a few rejects.  I can relax until the next clue.

I'm linking up with Patchwork Times and Quiltville.  

The tree is up and most the decorations are out.  No goals this week, its for wrapping presents, baking cookies, and whatever else that comes along.  



Churn Dash said...

I wouldn't dare post a photo of my cutting table!

Congratulations on keeping up with the mystery.


Alycia said...

And when you are done with that pile - you must come visit me!! Ha ha - Love your blocks!!

Nann said...

My cutting table was cluttered with purples and neutrals while I was working on clue 3 and clue 4. Once those were done I cleared it off....Of course I am not going to show you a picture of the floor....

The cracker blocks are a great scrapbuster. Have fun!

Jeanette said...

Good thing not much room is needed to get these clues done.

englishquilter said...


Karen said...

I love your train wrecks! LOL Have fun with the mystery.

gayle said...

My cutting table is now piled so high that I only have about one square foot of my cutting mat showing... I may have to actually make an effort to clean it off (a bit) sometime soon. (Time spent organizing is time spent not sewing. I resents it, I does.)
Your crackers look like fun!

AnnieO said...

A clean cutting table is always a temporary state, lol. Fun blocks!

Kate said...

Congrats on being all caught up on En Provence. Hope you've been able to reduce/contain the pile on your cutting table. Have a very happy holiday.

Playing Catchup

Its been busy!  Thanksgiving has come and gone, soon it will be Christmas.  We got our vaccinations a couple weeks ago--Covid, RSV, Influena...