Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday Ramblings

I'm drinking coffee comtemplating my day. For those of you who don't know, I am OCD--I NEED to plan my day. Asked LB if she needed to be somewhere today--I got a shrug. LOL--like where would I take her??!! But do need to make a trip to the grocery store, she requested homemade beef stroganoff for supper. I was in a rush when I packed, and didn't bring my recipe box, so we are eating things I can remember or recipes I can get off the internet. And a chocolate sheet cake would go over well I think.

And, yesterday I found this in the Sunday Ads. It's an Acer Aspire One, had everything I wanted on it, and it was CHEAP. And see how small it is? It is less than 10"x7", and weighs under 2 pounds. It has Windows XP like my big computer at home, so I won't have to switch back and forth. And it is wireless with lots of other options I haven't explored yet. But--I downloaded some pictures on it, so that works.

Well, I am going to shower, shop, cook, and sew. Hopefully in that order! And I haven't been to any fabric stores.


JuJu said...

Oh a itty bitty computer!! Love it Lori!! It's so small, won't take up any room when you repack the care to go home!! LOLOL

Sweet P said...

Nice new computer. It is tiny. Some days I would like a tiny computer, but Apple's tiniest version is too stripped down for my work.

Pat said...

How was the beef stroganoff and chocolate? sounds like a winning combo to me :)

Your new computer is so small! That is very cool.

Stephanie D. said...

Such a bitty little thing--I wouldn't be able to see the screen even if I cleaned my glasses.

Glad all is okay with LB still.

Playing Catchup

Its been busy!  Thanksgiving has come and gone, soon it will be Christmas.  We got our vaccinations a couple weeks ago--Covid, RSV, Influena...