These blocks are on my design wall--
For some reason not all the blocks were the same size (oops!) I found an idea to fix them using this pattern--
A free pattern at Moda Bakeshop--
You add sashings to two sides of your block and then alternate them, or whatever you like! This week I want these 30's blocks sewn together and OFF THE WALL! Next I want to play with Stay Centered blocks--

Dee in Nebraska, Lorri2Rs, and I swapped one block of each color. I have enough blocks for a boy quilt and a "me" quilt. This was also a free pattern and if you have lots of strips but like a more coordinated look to your scrappy quilts try this one. So so EASY!! To make my quilt a bit bigger I added the color brown, brown is such a warm color.
Last week Asher had a birthday (7yo) so I road tripped. On Saturday I stopped to visit another quilter Mary in South Dakota. She makes the most perfectly pieced quilts. You have seen some of her quilts on my blog, she makes "boy" tops and I quilt them. Then on to the kids, they had gone to the movies so I did a little shopping. At JoAnns I bought some precuts--
Both were on sale cheap and will add some variety to my stash. I couldn't resist the Fat 8th--there are words on them, I love words on fabrics. That will add 5.75 yds to my next stash report.
JoAnn's has lots of other things for sale in their store--I bought 8oz pkgs of ready to use frosting for $2.49. The round tip and a star tip are already on the pouch, and you can put different tips on if you have them. There was a grandchild craft planned--
Easy peasy, just rice krispie bars with Christmas M&Ms, then melt vanilla almond bark on top. Chill, cut into squares, and decorate! We used the bagged frosting to stick the M&Ms to the bars plus draw with the frosting. Max needed help squeezing the frosting out but he was all about sticking the M&Ms on!
Asher and grandma had lunch together. Asher loves pancakes so we went to Cracker Barrel. He had a root beer to celebrate!
Next we shopped at Target for a b-day gift. Asher wants to inspect every item on the shelves. It was fun to watch.
And I did some baking to share on my road trip--
Raspberry kuchen. I used raspberry pie filling plus added some fresh raspberries.
Weekly Goals--
Sew pink blocks together
Make green binding for Christmas Quilt
Add Stay Centered to design wall
That's all, Christmas preparations are also on my schedule. I'm linking with Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, Moving it Forward.
~Lori1R in South Dakota~