There's been no sewing. My shoulder/arm are not getting better. More Dr appointments will be needed. But I WANT to sew! Earlier this week I was cheered up by two boxes of donated fabric from Judy B--
The big box was HEAVY! Here is a pic of the contents--
Judy sent me yardage on the right, and her stash of homespuns. She even included BLADES! Homespuns are not something I buy but they make the most beautiful comfortable cuddly quilts--perfect for boy quilts! How much did she send? 27 pounds. That's 80 to 100 yards of fabric! WOOHOOO! Thank you Judy! Next began the search for patterns to use the fabric. This one has made the short list--

Snowball and Puss in Corner or Uneven 9 patches. Perfect! I am always looking for patterns that are simple and use limited background fabric. This is a picture I copied from Pinterest--no link to go with it. Can't you see those homespuns using this setting?
It has turned hot and humid. Still getting lots of rain. During the weekend of the 4th we had 1.80" of rain at the camper, and 2.75" at our house. We did not plant any crops this year. A road to one field has either been closed or 4 wheel drive only--and that's the public road! The weeds are going crazy, too wet to spray, too wet to disc them under. But its better than drought, nothing more depressing than planting seed only to watch them wither to nothing. And you still have all the costs associated with planting.
~Lori1R in Nebraska~