Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Keeping Busy

I've been able to do a little sewing.  Naragansett Greens came out to play--
No design wall in the camper, I used hair clips to attach the rows to the woodwork above the slide out.  I was worried it would be a bit blah, or worse, like boring green salad, but I think its going to have enough variety and zinger fabrics.

The weather was cool today, and I like to set my crockpot outside to cook.  The aluminum picnic table works perfect.  To help keep my crockpot warm, I covered it with a cardboard box--
The box fit tight enough the wind didn't blow it off, but about an inch of clearance  kept it from overheating at the bottom.  A fireman once told me he'd seen lots of house fires caused by malfunctioning crockpots, and he said the safest places were 1)on top your stove  2)in your kitchen sink 3)on a concrete floor (basement/garage).  Not your cupboard or anywhere it could ignite or melt what its setting on.  It was a dry cold windy day--the picnic table was perfect.  The beef stroganoff turned out tasty!

Lori1R in Nebraska


cityquilter grace said...

that pattern is a fave of mine and looks great in any dominant color...very nice indeed!

swooze said...

Your quilt looks great! I’m sure quilting will spark it up even further.

You give dinner in a box a whole new meaning! Lol

Mary in SD said...

OMG, Lori - I LOVE your Naragansett GREENS!!! Damn it, another quilt I "have to" make! Thanks for sharing it!

Is the camp quiet yet? You're close to being a short-timer now.

Sara said...

The quilt is beautiful and has lots of variety.

Good idea with your crock pot. I've mostly kept mine sitting on the stove while it's in use, except for just keeping something warm. My old one always seemed to get too warm on the bottom anyway. My new one stays much cooler on the outside.

Playing Catchup

Its been busy!  Thanksgiving has come and gone, soon it will be Christmas.  We got our vaccinations a couple weeks ago--Covid, RSV, Influena...