Tuesday, September 1, 2020

OMG August

For August I finished binding the Blue Sheep quilt--

ITS DONE!!  YAH!!  The album blocks are from RSC a couple years ago.  I didn't have enough of one blue so the setting triangles are a darker blue.  It's a big boy quilt, it will be donated to the boys group home.  Thank you Kat for helping me with the math.  I'll guess 15 yds of fabric, the quilt is 80"x90" more or less.  It has a dyed solid blue backing, and is quilted with Dandelion or what I call "floppy feathers".  

The squirrel is becoming a problem.   He is on top my camper, my awning, the golf cart, hanging on my screen door looking in.  He is NOT social distancing!  I set two mouse traps baited with peanut butter on the picnic table.  The next morning they were missing.  I found one underneath the camper,  the other at the base of a tree--

I think he jumped off the picnic table with two traps, lost one as he passed underneath the camper.  When he went to climb the tree he couldn't, so he chewed the trap until his paw was free.  I didn't see him for several days, hoping he had been scared off.  Nope, he was back.  I set bigger rat traps on top the picnic table, but he is smart.  He bumps the edge of the trap until it springs, then eats the peanut butter!  I watched him do it twice.  This is the latest squirrel incident--
This is a heavy plastic tool box I keep my bird seed in.  He can't reach the bird feeders, so instead he went to the source.  This tote is in the back of the pickup, I have turned it so the hole is underneath and surrounded it with different mouse traps.  So far I've not caught anything.  

Lori in Beautiful Nebraska

1 comment:

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh this quilt is beautiful!! LOVE the two colors of blue for the settings!!

Get that darn Squirrle!!

Playing Catchup

Its been busy!  Thanksgiving has come and gone, soon it will be Christmas.  We got our vaccinations a couple weeks ago--Covid, RSV, Influena...